Friday, June 20, 2008


Everytime you use the same attitude while arguing or fighting, you realize that it is the result of 20 years of agony.

Everytime you behave a certain way, you wish you could explain why.

Everytime you feel like tearing your guts apart, you remember what is was like when you were happy.

Everytime you feel like giving up, a face comes in front of you that won't let you.

Everytime you feel like you are being yourself, someone comes along and tells you that you are not.

Everytime it hurts, you think about the big picture.

Everytime you think about being negative, you slap yourself saying "This is not you".

Everytime you walk, you see your footsteps from last time.

Everytime you think about pouring out everything, you remember that it's no use.

Everytime it feels wrong, a feeling deep inside you tells you otherwise.

Everytime you lose someone, you realize what you feel for them.

Everytime you start to feel vulnerable, you start backing off.

Everytime you lose control, you take drastic measures.

Everytime someone else's happiness seems more important, you sacrifice.

Everytime you think about the future, it scares you more.

Everytime you talk to yourself, you edge towards madness.

Everytime something doesn't make sense, you ask the questions a million times.

Everytime you think you are alone, you discover yourself all over again.

Everytime I think of it, my life seems incomplete.

1 comment:

Satish K Mantha said...

Everytime I read it, I ask two questions - "What!#(*)^%#$@? Why?" :P