Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The mood pendulum

Moods are part and parcel of one’s daily life. I always complain that women are too moody at times. But that isn’t true. Most women just let their mood dictate terms to them. Men can’t have any of that.

I woke up today feeling awful. When you are in such a condition, you wonder whether your mood will rub off on to other people around you or will it be the other way round. If someone messes with me when I’m low, then God help that person. But mostly I like to be left alone when I’m down. I choose the people I would like to speak with because I know who can change my mood for better and who can for worse. But sometimes, there’s no better shrink than a mirror. There’s nothing that some alone-time, a walk in the rain, a shower, a drink (just one) or some meditation can’t fix.

Life deals you the cards. You decide whether to play or fold. What’s more important is that at some point you have to decide whether to put all your money in or wonder what might have happened if you had. Learn to play poker!!!

Hope, faith and belief play an important role and so do destiny, fate and luck. When darkness falls, you could sit on your ass and wait for the sun to rise or you could look up to the skies and let the stars show you your way home.

1 comment:

Kestu said...

Ashwin... again I resonate with you on this. Very balanced angle of looking at moods and the circumstances that cause it. I strongly believe that when something bad happens to me that is beyond my control.... how I react to it is my choice. Nobody in this world can change that. Moods are a human phenomenon... but controlling how they influence the way we interact with others requires tact.